Mar 18Liked by The BAKE House

Thought provoking questions.

Something about a book I am currently reading talks about how the brain defines activities and how it retains it. It takes a whole lot of intentionality to correct those build ups either especially from upbringing and personal experiences.

But, yes, they are doable. If we conditioned ourselves, we can recondition ourselves rightly too. God help us.

Thank you for those questions. Worth going into the week with and hopefully we would be more conscious to not be a danger to ourselves going forward.


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Thank you for your regular, detailed response. Yes, reconditioning is doable as long as we can take the time to re-evaluate our assumptions. Cheers to a great week! Stay BAKE!

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Mar 18Liked by The BAKE House

Thank you! Cheers!

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Mar 18Liked by The BAKE House

Thank you coach

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You are welcome. Thank you for always reading.

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